Monday, March 14, 2011

Weekends Over!

It was a busy day Monday. Jim #1 and Jim #2 descended on the hoop house to begin restoration and repair of the roof. They found several small tears and were able to simply tape them up, but had to patch up a particularly large one.

They used a reinforced plastic and sewed it up with Jim #1 roasting inside the already cooking greenhouse and Jim #2 laying comfortably outside on a raised pallet.

Inside the shop, Jake drew up designs on a solar panel transfer cart for RREAL. He was able to improve on a design his father drew up and began construction on Monday.

At the SPARC, Mark and Doug began installation of the water system.
Also, instead of simply propping in a fiberglass shower stall, it was decided that a base of tile was preferable. Laying of the tile began today, as well.