It's been a long time since I posted an update, so I thought I would post a bunch of pictures about what is going on in the shop today.
First is some control circuitry for the LEnR experiment. The schematic was drawn on the board.
Then, Paul works on the little circuit boards that will hold the circuits. He tries drilling the mounting holes...
But ends up making a very square looking owl face, instead.
But it's OK, because the owl fits in the test rack.
Then he commences the actual circuit assembly.
And just outside the back of the shop, Mark and Dan are spending the day whipping up a replacement outhouse. Normally, we'd prefer a sawdust toilet in properties like the one this is for, but in this case, the usage is so light and the outhouse tank is already in place, that it makes sense.
In another part of the shop, Jake and Jim C are working on a sink for the new garden shed that they will be able to wash plants and vegetables in.
On another table is a replacement water cooling coil that arrived damaged, so we had to get another one coming rather than installing it as planned.
An our resident wizard, Wayne, is busy refining the designs for the new duplex arc, even as the carpenters are building the foundation.
And Jeff is using the CNC router table to cut a bunch of holes into OSB pieces that will hold the under floor sensor conduits in the new duplex ARC.
And just outside the back of the shop, Mark and Dan are spending the day whipping up a replacement outhouse. Normally, we'd prefer a sawdust toilet in properties like the one this is for, but in this case, the usage is so light and the outhouse tank is already in place, that it makes sense.
And, while not being directly a shop project, the sign that Lisa had revamped and gotten installed Friday, got a landscaping make over with a mowing, a wood chip walkway and even some flowers with automatic drip irrigation. It is now very inviting as well as informational.
Also sort of self explanatory (especially after ninja attack):