Friday, July 1, 2011

Solar Conveyor

I am trying out a new way to bring solar heat inside, without using air or water as a medium. From a web search, it doesn't seem like anyone is trying this, except someone patented a solar belt collector way back in 1975!

Here is the inside belt. There are no fans. The belt heats the building through radiation and natural convection.

The powered conveyor roller only consumes 5W, and since the belt gives off almost 500W of heat, the coefficient of performance is almost 100.

The same belt extends outside where it absorbs the sun's energy. The glazing is inexpensive 6mm twin-wall polycarbonate. The belt is made from an EPDM pond liner. It is not as black as it could be, so the overall efficiency of the system is about 40-50%.

1 comment:

  1. That is really great! We would love to incorporate some passive solar- and this seems very passive into our strawbale home here in Cass Lake. I would also like to talk about some barter with you folks. I'm a documentarian, and have a strong belief in the work that you are doing.
    Milt Lee
